Don’t Mess with St. Jude

by Richard Poe
Thursday, October 11, 2012

8:06 am Eastern Time

ST. JUDE is the patron saint of lost or desperate causes. You pray to St. Jude when you have nowhere else to turn. You pray to him when you are trying to do the impossible. You pray to him when all the odds are against you. That’s where I am now. That’s why I’m praying to St. Jude.

In the past, I never would have written an article like this. My pride would have prevented me. In the past, I would have prayed first, then decided what to write later. I would have waited for the results of my prayers. If the results pleased me, then yes, I might have written something about them. But if the results displeased me, I would have kept silent.

In effect, I was bargaining with St. Jude. I was trying to make him a deal. “Answer my prayers, and I will give you free publicity,” I was telling the saint. “But, if you don’t answer my prayers, you’ll get nothing from me.”

St. Jude places a special requirement on his devotees. When you pray to him, you are supposed to publish the results. You are supposed to tell people what happened.

It’s natural for people to bargain. But bargaining doesn’t work with St. Jude. He’s not a businessman, and he doesn’t need your business.

What St. Jude requires is loyalty, devotion and obedience, with heavy emphasis on the word obedience. St. Jude places a special requirement on his devotees. When you pray to him, you are supposed to publish the results. You are supposed to tell people what happened. You are supposed to tell them what the saint did for you. There are all sorts of ways to spread the word about St. Jude. You can do it the old-fashioned way, by word of mouth, or you can post messages on the Internet. But, one way or the other, you must spread the word. In so doing, you inspire others to pray to St. Jude. At least that’s the theory.

If I have learned one lesson, after nine years of praying to St. Jude, it is this: You cannot bargain with this saint. You cannot sit in judgment over him. It is not our place to judge whether St. Jude has answered our prayers to our satisfaction. When we pray to St. Jude, we must publish the results, whether we like them or not.


With this article, I am going one step further. I am announcing my novena to St. Jude in advance, before I have even finished it. This is the fifth day of my novena. There are four days to go. I have no idea how St. Jude will answer my prayers. I have no way of knowing if he will answer them at all. I do not know if my life will be better or worse when this novena is done. I do not know if my path will be clear or whether it will remain hidden from me. But whatever happens, I will announce the results on this blog.

I am praying for a nine-day miracle. I am praying for a turnaround in my fortunes. I am praying that my little publishing company Heraklid Inc. will succeed, and that I will earn enough money from my books to get back on my feet. And I am praying that St. Jude will make crystal clear, by the ninth day of this novena, whether or not he has chosen to grant my petition.

Whatever happens on the ninth day, I will announce it on this blog, even if it seems like bad news. I will trust that St. Jude has his own good reasons for doing what he does, even when I don’t understand his reasons. And I hope and pray that, whatever happens to me and my wife, and to our struggling little company, be it good or ill, that our story may serve to instruct and help others.

Related Articles

March 17, 2014
Faith is Persistence: Results of my Latest Novena

March 5, 2014
My St. Jude Saga Continues

October 16, 2012
An After-Action Report on my St. Jude Novena

October 11, 2012
Don’t Mess with St. Jude

July 5, 2012
My Nine-Year Journey with St. Jude


588 Responses to “Don’t Mess with St. Jude”
  1. vasilisah says:

    The man I thought would marry me left with no word. I was so frustrated and bitter about him, I started the St. Jude novena for the first time. I said it twice a day 9:00 am and 9:00 pm for nine days. I did not see the results. I decided to do it again, but this time round I said it at 3;00 AM With a different request, not to bring him back but to ask St. Jude to give me peace and regain my strength back, but within the second day MY REQUEST was answered. I feel so much peace within me. I believe by the time i finish my ninth day I will be well once more and my happiness restored and that he will come back and God will bless our marriage. Thank you, St.Jude.

  2. Grace says:

    Thank you Saint Jude for listening to my prayers. Please answer them and take care of my Mom. Saint Jude pray for us. Amen

  3. Grace says:

    Thank you Saint Jude

  4. LS says:

    Earlier i used to pray St Jude but then i came to know about St Jude Novena & i got started. Today is the first day of the novena & i know that St Jude will come to my rescue. I am going through a very rough patch in my life as if i have fallen into a dundgeon where there is no escape but i also know that St Jude will answer my prayers & bless me & help me regain my image.

  5. Diane says:

    Finished St Jude prayer..await help I have faith

  6. Grace says:

    I said the novena many years ago and St.Jude helped me.I posted distinctions in my exams.Iam trusting him to help interceed for me to God over my business…but according to God’s will…so am able to educate my daughters and also help my daughters in their spiritual journey plus they do well in kcpe and engineering.St. Jude pray for us.

  7. AB says:

    I had an appointment a month ago and i prayed to Saint Jude that my results will be normal, he answered my prayers. I passed all my tests and quizzes, thank you Saint Jude. I have been praying and asking for his intercessions since 1997, thats 17 years now, and everything i prayed are answered. I call his name every day, day and night.

    Thank you Saint Jude. Please answer my prayers. Intercede on my behalf oh Blessed Jude. Please answer my prayers about JS, that i will pass my finals. Amen.

  8. Paul says:

    I wanted to finally thank St. Jude for his help in finding my wonderful wife of 16 years. I said the Novena (or attempted to) and he answered. I have finally found a way to honor the promise I made those years ago. Thank you St. Jude!

    I’d also like to ask for prayers for our beloved dog (Yorkie) who is going through great pain as he struggles in his 14+ years. We have an appointment to have him put to sleep tomorrow, Nov 5 and I’ve been saying another novena to St. Jude that if it be God’s will, we may keep him a while longer. I’d like to ask my brothers and sisters help in prayer as today is the 9th day and tomorrow we are to go to the vet’s office. I struggle with letting God, so I ask help. I will keep our brothers and sister’s always in my prayers for them, and implore Our Lady and St. Joseph as well.

    May God’s will be done. God bless all.

  9. C. says:

    Thank you Saint Jude for your intercession in my legal matter…that was a true miracle and I am now an unwavering believer. Thank you for jobs as well; they are much needed and I will always be grateful. Thank you for all that you have done in the past and thank you for all that you are continuing to do. I will be faithful to God, Jesus and you for eternity.

  10. Liz says:

    This is my second day of the Novena to St. Jude. I have faith and I am certain that everything will turn out the way it’s supposed to. I will announce the results of my prayers. Thank you St. Jude and thank you God.

  11. Theresa says:

    I’m praying to st jude to win back the heart of my soul mate

  12. naomi says:

    I have always prayed to St Jude whenever there was nothing else I could do in a venture. He has always answered every time. Even a medium told me when I was a child that as an adult I would have problems finding employment and problems with a lack of money, she told me when the time comes light a brown candle and pray to St Jude, I have and he answered with enough money to tide me over but it has happened again and I am currently praying to St Jude again and I hope that he will listen and help again.

  13. Milliene Dama says:

    I started my novena to St Jude today and I believe that he will help me but whatever he has laid out for me, I’ll accept and publish. I am a firm believer in him.

  14. Liz says:

    I stumbled upon this page while doing research on St.Jude, but I believe it wasn’t by accident. After praying a Novena to saint Jude I’ve come to share the results of my prayers along with the prayer.

    “May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, Glorified, loved and Preserved throughout the world now and forever.
    Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us. St Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. St Jude helper of the hopeless, pray for us.”

    This prayer must be said eight times a day for nine days. Publication of the prayer must be promised.

    St Jude answered my prayer. Some of the results were ambiguous; but I’m certain that they were answered. This is the second day of the my second Novena. I will publish my results as well.

    Thank you God, thank you St Jude.

  15. AB says:

    Saint Jude Thank you for answering my prayers. Amen.

  16. rmb says:

    St Jude is the Patron Saint of Impossible Cases

    Glorius Apostle , Saint Jude Thaddeus, I salute you through the
    Sacred Heart of Jesus. Through his heart I praise and thank God for all the graces he has bestowed upon you. i implore you, through his love, to look upon me with comapssion. Do not despise my poor prayer, Do not let my trust be confounded! God has granted to you the privelege of aiding mankind in the most desperate cases. Oh , come to my aid that I may praise the mercies of God! All my life I will be your grateful client until I can thank you in heaven. Amen

    (Mention your request)

    Saint Jude, pray for us, and for all who invoke your aid.

    Your request may be granted by the 8th day. God willing. Publication of thanks to St Jude must be promised. Say this Novena nine times in a row for nine days in a row.

    Its been my 14th day praying this novena. Some of my prayers has been answered and Im thankful for that. St Jude I still pray for reconciliation with AJS . pls continue to touch his heart and make him realize his wrongdoings so he can finally find his way back into my heart. Pls keep AJS away from pursuing other women cuz that would hurt me even more. I trust in you St Jude. This I pray.

  17. Gladys says:

    Ma starting the novena today the 5th of feb aand will be doing the novena for 9 days.My petition to saint Jude is that he turns my poor performance in my sales job to exemplary performance or grants me a different job where i have favor with everybody at the work place.
    I will publish the results when am done.

  18. Tracy says:

    Thank you, St. Jude, for prayers answered on behalf of my dear cousin. Not only did he keep his job, but was granted a raise! Thank you earthly and heavenly intercessors ( grampa), angels and saints. Thank you Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit and Blessed Mother. We are all part of the communion of saints and our prayers travel both directions: from us to our family in heaven and our family down to us from above. God’s blessings, peace and grace to all who read this post & their family and friends.


    May the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, and loved in all the tabernacles until the end of time. Amen.

    May the most Sacred Heart of Jesus be praised and glorified now and forever. Amen

    St. Jude pray for us and hear our prayers. Amen.

    Blessed be the Sacred Heart of Jesus
    Blessed be the Immaculate Heart of Mary
    Blessed be St. Jude Thaddeus, in all the world and for all Eternity.
    (say this prayer, followed by the Our Father and the Hail Mary)

  19. rajni says:

    St Jude really helps those who seek his help. He helped me in forms of various blessings. He helped me to turn impossible into possible my broken relation was totally healed n more beautifull than before n I know he will also help me. He is really a worker of miracles. A vvvvvveeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrryyyyyyy bigggg Thanks to St Jude.

  20. Oscar says:

    Thankyou St. Jude for hearing my prayer and all you do. Below is a webpage i made and all that st. jude has done for me, talk about how he helped me and I have the novena on there as well.

  21. Mother Mary & St. Rita devotee says:

    Blessed Saint Jude, I will never forget the miracles that happened when I had recourse to you. A year ago my son’s life was in such a mess, and I almost became desperate. Thank you very much for your powerful intercession and prayers. I will never forget how after I’d finished your Novena, God revealed to me things I never thought were happening in my life! It truly was a miracle, dear Saint Jude. Please pray that I overcome the trauma brought about by my discoveries, and that God Almighty will soon reveal the “Truth & Nothing But The Truth” to me. Also for God to give me the strength to face the truth and accept it. In my heart of hearts I want the truth so I can have closure and move on. Thank you St. Jude. Also thank you dearest Mother Mary, Saint Rita of Cascia, and St. Anthony of Padua for your help, love and protection. Will forever sing your praises and be grateful to all of you. Much love.

  22. cathy says:

    Thank you Saint Jude…..I want to thank you for looking after my mom while she is fighting stage 4 stomach cancer. Thank you for answering my request for her to get a Stent to help her eat, I thank you for answering our request for her to receive Chemotherapy. I thank you for answering our request that she us still with us. I pray to you and ask that this new Chemo pill will work and stop the cancer from growing snd spreading and we will be able to keep our mom with us. I have great faith in St. Jude. Please intercede with God and allow my mom to be healthy once again. Thank you St. Jude. I love you.

  23. Glenn says:

    I am asking help about my mortgage situation and also my marriage. So I am asking St Jude for his help. I am hoping he will grant my wishes. This is my third time to asked and he had always answered my prayers. I will let you know more when my fourth wish is granted.

  24. KAA says:

    I prayed to st jude, asking him to give me a freelance job to tide over my finances, well st Jude came through for me. I am now seeking his assistance to always protect my father’s car, my neighbour’s to be more considerate and stop parking their car across from my house, a loving and kind adoptees for 2 cats ( a pregnant kitten and a tuxedo cat) and the kitten will safely deliver her kittens and the adopter would take good care of them for life and safety for the 2 cats as well as getting more freelance jobs and a permanent job.

  25. Glenn says:

    I am in the middle of this prayer and I am going ahead and publishing it. I will keep you posted of any developments. I have complete faith in Jesus Christ and I know my wish will come true. I love you Jesus!

  26. Mark says:

    Thank you St. Jude, my patron saint, for giving me hope in cases where I had no one to turn to. I am grateful for your powerful intercession in times of my greatest despair. I can never thank you enough for all your help. St. Jude faithful apostle and servant of Jesus, my Saviour, please continue to pray for me.

    Pray to St. Jude, he can help you even in the most difficult and impossible circumstances.

  27. Divina says:

    I prayed to Saint Jude for financial provision for me and my family. We need money for food and other needs. I will publish my results here. Thank you. God bless us all.

  28. april says:

    Thank you Jesus for answering my prayer yesterday morning and thank you St. Jude for your intercession!!!!

  29. Vanna Lariosa says:

    I’m a college student. as i’ve said before i prayed the novena for nine days straight but when the results came i failed that subject. my friend said that. actually the grades are still not in my hands. i want to believe that a miracle could happen. Anything is possible with God.. i don’t want to conclude that i really failed because the my friend just told me and i have a bigger God. Pray for me. I don’t wanna fail again. this is really hard for me. Godbless us all.

  30. Diana says:

    Thank you for this article. I was feeling very down that two novenas to St. Jude went (I thought) unanswered. I was even feeling like maybe St. Jude didn’t like me. Perhaps the answers have been put into motion, without me even realizing it, but whatever he (and Heaven) decides, I will know next time to publish whether or not I think I have an answer. Thank you again.

  31. Laura says:

    My life has for the most part been chaotic but I learned at a young age that I was different in a the way that l had a feeling that i had a purpose or (calling) that is in nursing I have been a licensed nurse for 10 years I just completed taking a class for the second time so I can sit for state boards to get my license as a RN. I just took my final exam if I don’t pass I will not be able to retake the class d/t it being my second time all my life I have waited for this moment that’s why I didn’t give up and of course I am retaking the class I am nervous but at the same time I have faith that I passed my final I just took yesterday & I will officially pass the course .l started my novena to St Jude yesterday and I believe that he will help me and I will publish the results of my novena.
    Thank you God, Thank you St.Jude

  32. Keith says:

    My wife and I are in the midst of a novena to St. Jude, asking him for his powerful intercession in our efforts to become pregnant. After numerous failed procedures, we are trying once again–but this is the first time we have included a novena to St. Jude. I have been leaving nine copies of the novena prayer in church each day. I know St. Jude will answer our prayers somehow.

  33. L Milward says:

    I am confident that my Novena to Saint Jude will be answered; even if not in the way I want, it will be answered for the best! Thank you Saint Jude.

  34. Teresa says:

    I decided to finish my ninth day novena at church today. It led me to going to a daily mass(I had no idea daily mass would occur at that time). Right after mass people were entering the church to pray a special novena (I had no idea about). The novena they prayed was the St. Jude novena. I did not think this was a coincidence but a sign to my prayers I asked St. Jude about. I believe that he will help me πŸ™‚

  35. laila says:

    I prayed to saint Jude every night for 30 days and he brought back the love of my life which was impossible and. It didn’t last long but I believe that st Jude will bring him back again this time for ever. Please hear our prayers.

  36. Laura says:

    Saint Jude answered my prayer. I vowed that I would announce the results of my St. Jude novena and the results
    were amazing.St Jude answered my prayer I am publishing my results of my novena I also spread the word/message of my novena and the results. Thank you for you answering my prayer.
    Thank you God , Thank you St.Jude

  37. Sam says:

    I have been praying to St Jude for the past week. While I have no sure way of knowing if he has granted my prayers, i have complete trust in him. I have no reason to believe that he did not grant my request.

    Thank you St Jude!

  38. Surin says:

    I praying to St Jude to reunite me back with the man I love soul mate …Bless n hear my prayer St Jude

  39. Paul says:

    Thank you St Jude for answering my prayers all those years ago. I thanked you, but never published the fact and made it known. You didn’t answer my prayer in the way I was expecting, but the answer I got was 100 times better than the one I asked for. Thanks once again for interceding and leading me to my beautiful wife . Thanks once again πŸ™‚

  40. josie says:

    My St. Jude I will begin praying my novena , I pray that St. Jude will help me with my health and I have faith that he will . I will announce my results of my prayers, thank you my St. Jude I have faith in you and thank you God

  41. lin says:

    I’m praying to Saint Jude for the cure of my father’s illness

  42. Laura says:

    I will be taking my NCLEX exam I know and have faith that I will pass the first time, so I can start working and start helping my parents financially and help my family get back on their feet and for me & my husband also start to get back on our feet. It has been a long hard struggle for not only my mom & dad but my husband and my teenage daughter they (we) have all been without alot and have been very bad off financially due to me bing in school full time. i also asked for help in guidance for me and all my family to continue to live a humble authentic life and for my daughter & husband be free of any mental health issues & for all of us me my daughter& husband and my parents to be internally & externally healthy and to be happy &stable in all parts of our lives.i started my novena to St Jude on 5/21/15 and I believe that he will help me and I will publish the results of my novena. Thank you God, Thank you St.Jude

  43. Miriela says:

    Today is my 8th day praying a Novena to Saint Jude. I was inspired by my mother when she gave me a Saint jude’s prayer to keep it with me always. Then something inside told me to pray a novena and I had never done this before. I stull dont know how that idea came to my mind. I know I am asking for the impossible but I am confident that he will hear my prayers and will answer them in a suitable way. I was tempted to stop the novena as I started doubting and felt that my request was too ambitious. Then I reminded myself that precisely because it was a desperate situation I am asking St Jude To intercede and help me in my affliction and get almost anything. I am truly excited and happy to see that although my faith was tempted I remained strong and did not give up. Thanks Saint Jude in advance.

  44. Natasha says:

    Thank you Holy Spirit, Saint Expedite and St. jude for my answered prayer. I’m still on my seventh day of my St. Jude. And I can feel that things are slowly getting into place. I have faith in him. Thank you so much.

  45. Laura says:

    Thank you saint Jude for answering my prayers… I vowed that I would announce the results of my St. Jude novena and the results… Thank you for all you have done for me and my family…I will never forget your blessings..In Jesus name I declare a life of abundance to all who are struggling and praying this novena. God bless us all.


  46. Wadia Russell says:

    Please pray that my husband will Re-discover his love for me, his wife of 41 years.

  47. Anthony says:

    I’ve been praying to St. Jude for him to bring back my fiancee. We recently had a horrible break up moving from eachother as well as NOT speaking. I realized that this woman means everything to me. Well today I received a call from brighthouse stating that equipment in which SHE was to return was never done and the bill was left outstanding. I called her to request that she simple just return the (no longer in use) equipment. Well we ended up talking for about an hour. Its a start and I am very greatful. I will continue to pray that we one day are back together.

  48. Teresa says:

    Glorius Saint Jude is always with me. He has helped me in the most difficult situations, is why I go once a month to a church in my city where he is honoured and he has tons of followers and devoted. I promised him to go there once a month because he made the most important miracle with me: faith restored in God. Is my way to give thanks for everything.

    My best friend, my patron, my lawyer and protector. God bless Him, the impossible apostle, love him with all my respect and devotion.

  49. Harry says:

    I just chanced on saint Jude prayer today. I am currently out of work and have a one week old baby. I am believing in a miracle and I will post the outcome of my nine days prayers shortly

  50. Michelle says:

    I am on the 7th day of the novena, the love if my life who had just moved in with me, walked out on me and my son 7 weeks ago and I am devestated! We were together 3 years and I had planned to one day marry him! I haven’t heard from him in 3 weeks but I know who he is with and that he is in trouble! I prayed to St. Jude to bring him back to me so I can help him, yes I would like him to be my boyfriend again and one day my husband but right now I would just like to help him to get back on his feet again and off the drugs that I am sure he is on. Because I truly love him! But I know that St. Jude will answer my prayer in some way even if it is not the way I want, so thank you St. Jude in advance for answering my prayer. Amen

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