Soros Shadow Party Stalks DeLay
PART 2: Democrat Digital Brownshirts
PART 3: The Lies of George Soros
PART 1: Velvet Revolution, USA
Reviewer: Beware the Hillary-Soros Axis
Lanny Davis on the Connecticut Blog Swarm
Now that the smoke has cleared from the Connecticut primary, we would do well to scrutinize more closely the leftist blog network which so famously overpowered Joseph Lieberman. The efficiency of its attacks bespeaks a degree of coordination which fashionable techno-clichés about the blogosphere’s “emergent” “hive mind” fail to explain. Read more
Reviewer Decries “Vietnam II”, “Watergate II”
“The Soros purges have begun,” warns FrontPage managing editor Ben Johnson, in an incisive analysis of the Lieberman ouster. Read more