NEW FEATURE: Timeline of a Mass Movement — David Horowitz’s Academic Freedom Campaign
NEO-COMMUNISM: Naming the Enemy
We conservatives need to rethink our tactics. Now that Republican Congressman and former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay has been arrested at the order of a leftist judge, even the most complacent cigar-and-brandy-snifter Republican must be wondering whether the time has come to take off the gloves. Stop wondering. The time has come. Read more
LEFTIST JUDGE ORDERS DeLAY ARRESTED: Judge Donated to, John Kerry and Democratic National Committee
A Texas judge today issued an arrest warrant for Congressman Tom DeLay, who has been indicted for state campaign finance violations, reports the Associated Press. Read more
Book Mocks Tom DeLay as Pawn of the Jews
Congressman DeLay’s Support for Israel Makes Him a “Shabbas Goy”, Say Authors
Congressman Tom DeLay is a “shabbas goy,” say Texas journalists Lou Dubose and Jan Reid in their influential book The Hammer: Tom DeLay – God, Money and the Rise of the Republican Congress. The authors use the Yiddish expression shabbas goy as an insult. Read more
ACADEMIC BRAINWASHING THREATENS RULE OF LAW: Leftist Ideologues Dominate Training of Future Lawyers and Journalists, Says New Horowitz Study
PART 3: The Shadow Party
Soros Fingerprints on DeLay Frame-Up
PART 2: The Shadow Party
HARRIET MIERS OUTSHINES BORK: Unlike the Patron Saint of Originalism, Miers Will Defend Our Freedom
Judge Robert H. Bork has come to represent in many conservative minds the gold standard of legal sagacity against which provincial upstarts such as Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers must be weighed. In truth, however, Bork provides a poor example of conservative jurisprudence. Read more