EDUCRATS DISCRIMINATE AGAINST WAR VET: Texas Marine Denied Tuition Discount Because He Lived Too Long “Out of State”… in Iraq
“It’s really your military service that’s holding you back,” explained the Austin Community College admissions officer to decorated Marine and Iraq war vet Carl Basham. Read more
ABLE DANGER TIMELINE: A Step-by-Step Account of the 9/11 Cover-up
There are two Americas. The first America gets its news from mainstream media. The second America gets its news from New Media, especially talk radio and the Internet. The first America knows nothing about the Able Danger scandal. The second America arguably knows too much about Able Danger. Read more
SOROS PLAYS THE CHINA CARD: Soros Activities Alarm Chinese Leaders — But Whose Interests is Soros Pursuing in China?
Chinese officials are bracing for an uprising in the same mold as the so-called “color” revolutions which overturned governments in Georgia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan. Read more
CONSERVATIVES RULE THE BLOGOSPHERE: Leftwing Think Tank Bemoans New Findings
Conservatives hold nearly a two-to-one numerical advantage among the top 210 blogs – that’s 133 conservative blogs to 77 leftist blogs. Read more
“MY SON WAS KILLED TO BENEFIT ISRAEL”: Anti-Bush Gold Star Mom Bashes Israel, Neo-Cons
Angry Gold Star mother Cindy Sheehan says Israel killed her son. Read more
JAGGER BACKTRACKS ON ANTI-BUSH TUNE: Pressured by Angry Netizens, Jagger Says His Song Attacks Neo-Cons, not Bush
Facing a groundswell of Net-driven outrage over his upcoming CD, Mick Jagger backtracked yesterday, explaining that his controversial, anti-war song, “Sweet Neo Con” does not apply to President Bush “personally.” Read more
JAGGER TUNE BASHES BUSH, CONDI, WAR: “How Come You’re So Wrong, My Sweet Neo-Con”
A new Rolling Stones CD will bash President Bush, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and the War on Terror Read more
CLOSING THE GOD GAP: Leftwing Frauds, Phonies and Flim-Flammers Exploit Religion to Get Votes
Even as leftists condemn the “religious right,” they are rushing to cobble together a religious left before the next election, in order to remain competitive. Hillary Clinton is leading the way. And Hillary’s former guru, Rabbi Michael Lerner, has called for a new “spiritual activism” of the left. Read more
SHADOW PARTY RAISES $80 MILLION: More than 80 Radical Millionaires and Billionaires Pledge $1 Million Apiece to Fight Conservatives
It appears that George Soros’ Shadow Party has begun cranking its fundraising machinery into high gear, nearly a year and a half before the next national election.
BUSH IMPEACHMENT IN THE WORKS: Loose-Lipped Hillary Operative Spills the Beans at Town Hall Meeting
The Impeach Bush crowd is warming up for the big event. Democrat congressman Maurice Hinchey of New York – a Hillary operative notorious for his loose lips – provided some useful insights into the Democrats’ impeachment strategy in remarks delivered at a July 30 town hall meeting in Ithaca, New York. Read more