Censored for 28 Years: My Little Plug for Oliver Stone’s JFK

Dylan’s new song has focused more attention on the JFK assassination than any pop culture event since Oliver Stone’s 1991 film JFK. When Stone’s film came out, I tried to plug it in my regular column at SUCCESS magazine, but my boss censored the JFK reference. I hereby publish the uncensored page proofs, after twenty-eight years. Better late than never. Read »
Murder Most Foul
Bob Dylan released a new song yesterday, a 17-minute dirge to our slain president, John F. Kennedy. I think Dylan did this because he’s no longer afraid. He’s telling us it’s now or never. Read more »
Richard Poe Interview in Italian Magazine

With my series of WAVE books coming out as ebooks, I chatted with Cristina Cattaneo of NM Magazine about the future of network marketing, the economic crisis in Italy, the Death of Jobs through increased automation, and the power of faith. Read »
The Way of the Kayak Wins an Award
Thank you, Snowtown Film Festival!
WAVE eBooks Announced on Italian Mag Cover!
Wow! I couldn’t ask for a more stylish rollout for the WAVE eBooks.