SOROS PLAYS THE CHINA CARD: Soros Activities Alarm Chinese Leaders — But Whose Interests is Soros Pursuing in China?
Chinese officials are bracing for an uprising in the same mold as the so-called “color” revolutions which overturned governments in Georgia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan.
Chinese officials are bracing for an uprising in the same mold as the so-called “color” revolutions which overturned governments in Georgia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan. Read more
CONSERVATIVES RULE THE BLOGOSPHERE: Leftwing Think Tank Bemoans New Findings
Conservatives hold nearly a two-to-one numerical advantage among the top 210 blogs – that’s 133 conservative blogs to 77 leftist blogs.
Conservatives hold nearly a two-to-one numerical advantage among the top 210 blogs – that’s 133 conservative blogs to 77 leftist blogs. Read more
CLOSING THE GOD GAP: Leftwing Frauds, Phonies and Flim-Flammers Exploit Religion to Get Votes
Even as leftists condemn the “religious right,” they are rushing to cobble together a religious left before the next election, in order to remain competitive. Hillary Clinton is leading the way. And Hillary’s former guru, Rabbi Michael Lerner, has called for a new “spiritual activism” of the left.
Even as leftists condemn the “religious right,” they are rushing to cobble together a religious left before the next election, in order to remain competitive. Hillary Clinton is leading the way. And Hillary’s former guru, Rabbi Michael Lerner, has called for a new “spiritual activism” of the left. Read more
SHADOW PARTY RAISES $80 MILLION: More than 80 Radical Millionaires and Billionaires Pledge $1 Million Apiece to Fight Conservatives
It appears that George Soros’ Shadow Party has begun cranking its fundraising machinery into high gear, nearly a year and a half before the next national election.
It appears that George Soros’ Shadow Party has begun cranking its fundraising machinery into high gear, nearly a year and a half before the next national election.
REMEMBERING RUSSIAGATE: Never Have So Few Stolen So Much From So Many
NORMA JUANITA PORTILLO YEAGLEY: June 8, 1922 – April 9, 2005
I bring sad news. My good friend David Yeagley — the Comanche blogger who runs — has lost his mother.
I bring sad news. My good friend David Yeagley — the Comanche blogger who runs — has lost his mother. Read more
Merry Christmas!
Many Biblical fundamentalists refuse to celebrate the holiday because of its pagan origins.