PART 2: Democrat Digital Brownshirts
PART 3: The Lies of George Soros
PART 1: Velvet Revolution, USA
Reviewer: Beware the Hillary-Soros Axis
Bernard Chapin has graced us with a favorable review in the Intellectual Conservative.
Reviewer Decries “Vietnam II”, “Watergate II”
“The Soros purges have begun,” warns FrontPage managing editor Ben Johnson, in an incisive analysis of the Lieberman ouster.
“The Soros purges have begun,” warns FrontPage managing editor Ben Johnson, in an incisive analysis of the Lieberman ouster. Read more
SERIES: The Soros Election Crisis
NEWSMAX: George Soros’ Coup
Billionaire currency speculator George Soros has called for “regime change” in the United States. To make this happen, he appears to be using covert methods previously tested in the former Soviet states.
Shadow Party Purges Lieberman
By an odd twist of fate, our book The Shadow Party was released on the same day that George Soros’ Shadow Party purged Senator Joseph Lieberman from the Democrat ranks. (1) Even as the votes were being tabulated in the Connecticut primary, my co-author David Horowitz was working the talk shows, explaining the machinations of […]
By an odd twist of fate, our book The Shadow Party was released on the same day that George Soros’ Shadow Party purged Senator Joseph Lieberman from the Democrat ranks. (1) Even as the votes were being tabulated in the Connecticut primary, my co-author David Horowitz was working the talk shows, explaining the machinations of the radical cabal which now rules the Democratic Party. Read more
Dem Fundraiser at Soros Estate
“On Aug. 19, Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean hosts a $10,000-per-guest fundraiser at the Southampton estate of financier George Soros,” reports Newsday.
“On Aug. 19, Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean hosts a $10,000-per-guest fundraiser at the Southampton estate of financier George Soros,” reports Newsday. Read more
The Shadow Party is Released!
Today is the official launch date of The Shadow Party: How George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and Sixties Radicals Seized Control of the Democratic Party, co-written by David Horowitz and your faithful correspondent. Mr. Horowitz will discuss the book tonight on Hannity & Colmes.
Today is the official launch date of The Shadow Party: How George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and Sixties Radicals Seized Control of the Democratic Party, co-written by David Horowitz and your faithful correspondent. Mr. Horowitz will discuss the book tonight on Hannity & Colmes. Read more