Nine Days Left Until Release
The release date for The Shadow Party, co-written by David Horowitz and your faithful correspondent, is August 8. In an interview posted today on the blog of Bill Steigerwald of the Pittsburgh-Tribune Review, Mr. Horowitz notes this curious coincidence:
The release date for The Shadow Party, co-written by David Horowitz and your faithful correspondent, is August 8. In an interview posted today on the blog of Bill Steigerwald of the Pittsburgh-Tribune Review, Mr. Horowitz notes this curious coincidence: Read more
Announcing… The Shadow Party
Now that Ben Smith has spilled the beans in a New York Observer article of March 13, there seems little point in keeping mum any longer about our upcoming project. David Horowitz and I have co-written a book called The Shadow Party: How Hillary Clinton, George Soros and the Sixties Left Took Over the Democratic […]
Now that Ben Smith has spilled the beans in a New York Observer article of March 13, there seems little point in keeping mum any longer about our upcoming project. David Horowitz and I have co-written a book called The Shadow Party: How Hillary Clinton, George Soros and the Sixties Left Took Over the Democratic Party (1). Read more
Ad Campaign Hits Soros
George Soros’s anti-American agenda comes under fire in an ad campaign by a group styling itself the Free Enterprise Committee, according to Human Events.(1)
George Soros’s anti-American agenda comes under fire in an ad campaign by a group styling itself the Free Enterprise Committee, according to Human Events.(1) Read more
Soros Moles Infiltrate CPAC
Scandal looms over CPAC’s upcoming debate on “A Conservative Drug Policy”.
Scandal looms over CPAC’s upcoming debate on “A Conservative Drug Policy”. Read more
RADIO: AFR News – American Family Radio
Richard Poe discusses the Soros witch hunt against DeLay. Also airs 7, 9 and 10 AM ET.
RADIO: The Source with Paul Anderson
Richard Poe will discuss his article, “Soros Fingerprints on DeLay Frame-up.”
RADIO: Nothing but the Truth with Crane Durham
Richard Poe will discuss his article, “Soros Fingerprints on DeLay Frame-up.”
Book Mocks Tom DeLay as Pawn of the Jews
Congressman DeLay’s Support for Israel Makes Him a “Shabbas Goy”, Say Authors Congressman Tom DeLay is a “shabbas goy,” say Texas journalists Lou Dubose and Jan Reid in their influential book The Hammer: Tom DeLay – God, Money and the Rise of the Republican Congress. The authors use the Yiddish expression shabbas goy as an […]
Congressman DeLay’s Support for Israel Makes Him a “Shabbas Goy”, Say Authors
Congressman Tom DeLay is a “shabbas goy,” say Texas journalists Lou Dubose and Jan Reid in their influential book The Hammer: Tom DeLay – God, Money and the Rise of the Republican Congress. The authors use the Yiddish expression shabbas goy as an insult. Read more