PART 2: The Shadow Party
PART 1: The Shadow Party
THE PLOT AGAINST TOM DeLAY: What Did Shadow Party Operative Robert Borosage Know, and When Did He Know It?
We all know that Tom DeLay is being framed (and, if you don’t know, you can start your remedial education by reading this post by NRO blogger Stephen Spruiell and this one by Captain Ed; you can also bone up on crooked prosecutor Ronnie Earle in this Wall Street Journal editorial). What we need to […]
We all know that Tom DeLay is being framed (and, if you don’t know, you can start your remedial education by reading this post by NRO blogger Stephen Spruiell and this one by Captain Ed; you can also bone up on crooked prosecutor Ronnie Earle in this Wall Street Journal editorial).
What we need to find out now is how the Democrats managed to pull it off and who did the dirty work behind the scenes. Read more
SOROS PLAYS THE CHINA CARD: Soros Activities Alarm Chinese Leaders — But Whose Interests is Soros Pursuing in China?
Chinese officials are bracing for an uprising in the same mold as the so-called “color” revolutions which overturned governments in Georgia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan.
Chinese officials are bracing for an uprising in the same mold as the so-called “color” revolutions which overturned governments in Georgia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan. Read more
CONSERVATIVES RULE THE BLOGOSPHERE: Leftwing Think Tank Bemoans New Findings
Conservatives hold nearly a two-to-one numerical advantage among the top 210 blogs – that’s 133 conservative blogs to 77 leftist blogs.
Conservatives hold nearly a two-to-one numerical advantage among the top 210 blogs – that’s 133 conservative blogs to 77 leftist blogs. Read more
SHADOW PARTY RAISES $80 MILLION: More than 80 Radical Millionaires and Billionaires Pledge $1 Million Apiece to Fight Conservatives
It appears that George Soros’ Shadow Party has begun cranking its fundraising machinery into high gear, nearly a year and a half before the next national election.
It appears that George Soros’ Shadow Party has begun cranking its fundraising machinery into high gear, nearly a year and a half before the next national election.
REMEMBERING RUSSIAGATE: Never Have So Few Stolen So Much From So Many
RADIO: The World from Washington with Steve Myers
Poe discusses his new three-part investigative series, “George Soros and America’s Coming Election Crisis.”
RADIO: The World from Washington with Steve Myers
Poe discusses his NewsMax Magazine cover story “George Soros’ Coup” (May 2004) and his new book Hillary’s Secret War.
WHY SOROS HATES BUSH: Bill O’Reilly Interviews Richard Poe
Here’s NewsMax’s account of my seven-minute segment on The O’Reilly Factor last night. Go here.
Here’s NewsMax’s account of my seven-minute segment on The O’Reilly Factor last night. Go here.