“JULY 7 BOMBINGS DID IT FOR ME”: Muslim Journalist Says She’s Had It with Radical Islam’s Lies and Excuses
“The July 7 London bombings did it for me,” writes Mona Eltahawy in Sunday’s Washington Post.
“The July 7 London bombings did it for me,” writes Mona Eltahawy in Sunday’s Washington Post. Read more
RUSH RULES NEW YORK, LA AND CHICAGO: Blue Cities Favor Red Radio, Say Ratings
Ratings show that Rush Limbaugh rules the roost in New York City, Los Angeles and Chicago, where he ranks number one among radio talk shows
Ratings show that Rush Limbaugh rules the roost in New York City, Los Angeles and Chicago, where he ranks number one among radio talk shows Read more
GREEK ORTHODOX LEADER DIES: Archbishop Iakovos Expires Eight Days After Pope
Archbishop Iakovos, head of the Greek Orthodox Church in the Americas for 37 years, died at age 93, on Sunday, April 10 — eight days after the death of Pope John Paul II.
Archbishop Iakovos, head of the Greek Orthodox Church in the Americas for 37 years, died at age 93, on Sunday, April 10 — eight days after the death of Pope John Paul II. Read more
False Pope Dies Before Real Pope
The world’s best-known pretender to the throne of St. Peter — one Clemente Dominguez y Gómez of Spain — died on March 21 at age 59 — eleven days before the real Pope expired in Rome
The world’s best-known pretender to the throne of St. Peter — one Clemente Dominguez y Gómez of Spain — died on March 21 at age 59 — eleven days before the real Pope expired in Rome Read more
FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH: May 13, Anno Domini 2005
The mystically inclined will be interested to learn that, in slightly more than 70 days, a most unusual Friday the Thirteenth will overtake us.
George Washington’s Thanksgiving Proclamation
Happy Thanksgiving to one and all, on this, the 215th anniversary of George Washington’s Thanksgiving Proclamation, made in New York City, our nation’s first capital, on October 3, 1789.