Taki Runs My Hitchens Articles
At a promotional event for his book, Christopher Hitchens descended from the stage in a drunken rage, screaming abuse at a Catholic priest in the audience. We conservatives need to rethink our relationship with Hitchens.
Hillary’s Paid Bloggers
Until 2002, most bloggers leaned right. Then dirty Democrat money tilted the blogosphere leftward.
NewsMax Runs My Bloggergate Story
The Hillary-Soros Axis
Hillary Clinton boasted in an August 4 speech that she “helped start” Media Matters and the Center for American Progress.
THE LESSON OF HITCHENS: The Enemy of My Enemy is Not Always My Friend
What Does Hitchens Really Want?
Hitchens Unhinged: A Three-Part Series Introduction PART 1: Hitchens Unhinged Taki’s Magazine, October 9, 2007 PART 2: Hitchens Haj Taki’s Magazine, October 15, 2007 PART 3: Hitchens: Enemy of My Enemies? Taki’s Magazine, October 22, 2007 Published in Taki’s Magazine under the title “Hitchens Haj,” October 15, 2007. America should model itself after Moorish Spain, […]
PART 1: Hitchens Unhinged PART 2: Hitchens Haj PART 3: Hitchens: Enemy of My Enemies? |
Published in Taki’s Magazine under the title “Hitchens Haj,” October 15, 2007.
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Christopher Hitchens puzzles many conservatives. On the one hand, he appears to be one of our staunchest allies in the war on Islamist insurgents. Yet Hitchens makes no secret of the fact that he loathes and despises us. By “us”, I mean all those conservatives who believe in God, which is another way of saying all genuine conservatives.
Now here is the riddle: If Hitchens hates conservatives, why does he break bread with us at so many political gatherings, and why does he side with us in our present war with militant Islam? Hitchens himself has helpfully provided an explanation for this paradox. Brace yourselves, conservatives. His explanation is a doozy. Read more
In Drunken Rage, Atheist Guru Hitchens Bullies Hero Priest of 9-11
Eyewitnesses report that Christopher Hitchens erupted into a drunken rage at a recent promotional event for his book, descending from the stage and screaming abuse at a Roman Catholic priest in the audience.
BETA LAUNCH: ChantTheRosary.com
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you… ChantTheRosary.com!
Chant the Rosary… in Latin!
There are many ways to sing the Rosary. The method described here is just one of them.
Trilobites and Creationism
When I wrote of the resemblance between extinct trilobites and certain species of still-living marine isopods, little did I suspect that I was blundering into a war zone, contested by armies of Biblical fundamentalists and Cartesian literalists.